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The key to success in your health and wellness journey is sound nutrition. Finding the right balance of nutrients and knowing what to eat to meet your goals can be one of the most confusing and frustrating aspects of the process. It doesn't help when every other day a new diet guru promotes a new plan or supplement that promises to be the answer to all your nutrition and fitness struggles. Well here's the secret sauce (pun intended) - there is no magic pill, the nutrition basics are always the most effective, and you don't need to starve yourself or avoid fats or carbs. Seeing the results you desire, and setting yourself up for long-term sustainable success is possible. Enter Macros!


Macros are the body’s primary source for energy and consist of the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats we consume. Each macro plays an important and distinct role in developing and maintaining fitness and health.

Proteins - Proteins help build and maintain lean muscle mass. Proteins also build, maintain, and repair body tissue, which is especially important to the recovery process after a workout.

Carbohydrates - Carbs are the primary energy source for the body and the brain. Carbs increase blood glucose levels, which is what supplies the energy to the body and is the preferred source of energy to the brain.

Fats - help regulate hormones. While all types of fats should be part of a healthy diet, unsaturated fats should be the predominant kind, with saturated and trans fats held to a minimum.

Your macronutrient breakdown is dependent on your physical goals, but here is a good place to start:

To build muscle: 30-40% carbs, 25-35% protein, 15-25% fats

For fat loss: 10-30% carbs, 40-50% protein, 30-40% fats

To maintain: 30-50% carbs, 25-35% protein, 25-35% fats



Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain weight, gain lean muscle, or maintain your current state, each goal has differing calorie requirements, macros and nutritional content breakdown.


There are three key body types - ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. These types are based on your unique skeletal frame and body composition. The body type also helps to determine nutrient needs and absorption. You will see better results when your body type is a factor in meal plan selection.


Do you have an active or sedentary lifestyle? How often and for how long do you exercise every day? What do you do for a living? Answers to these questions determine your nutrition requirements. Your daily activity level is used to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - the amount of calories that your body burns when it is at rest. If a meal plan, for example, calls for you to eat in a caloric deficit (eating less calories than you burn), it is important to use your BMR as a starting point.


When planning your food budget, there are only two key options: (1) Purchase and prepare your weekly meals for yourself, or (2) Use the services of a meal prep company that will prepare your meals for you based on required macros, and deliver them to you. The decision is yours and is based on your budget. Truly

understand your weekly food bill and ensure that you are able to eat well without breaking the bank.


Some shifting of the mindset will come into play when it comes to selecting the items on your food list. The intent with all nutrition plans should be to ensure that you enjoy your meals while eating towards your goals. There may be some foods that you currently enjoy that may not align with achieving your fitness goals.

Transitioning away from those foods goes a long way towards ensuring that your solid nutrition plan is created and adhered to, and gets you the results you desire.

Would you like to chat about your goals, and the role of nutrition in achieving them? Check out the Body X by Zoe Nutrition Formula!

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Updated: Apr 20, 2022

It's safe to say that our mentality affects everything we do in life, whether or not it's fitness related. It dictates our mood, motivation, how we interact with our friends and, of course, how we determine when it's time to take control of your wellness. Since we are so governed by our thoughts and experiences, when we are able to master these thoughts and control the way we react to environmental or extrinsic factors, we start to master our mindset.

Mindfulness provides clarity and an increase in focus that is essential for personal goal-setting and eventual success.

Before embarking on a new fitness program, take some time to think about whether you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset are characterized by innately avoiding challenges, the belief that talent is static, and give up easily when the going gets tough. People with growth mindset, on the other hand, realize that hard work breeds results, and recognize that setbacks and challenges are a part of learning and growth. In order to get the most out of any fitness program a growth mindset is paramount.

The thought of incorporating new habits can be overwhelming. The overwhelm becomes crippling until we end up taking no action at all. That inaction, in turn, adds to the frustration and starts a cycle of inaction, false starts, and mounting frustration.


1 - WELCOME SILENT MOMENTS/MEDITATION/PRAYER INTO YOUR DAILY ROUTINE. Enjoy 10-15 minutes of guided meditation. Start your day with it. Sit in a quiet place, light candles, and give yourself this 10-15 minute gift.


Close your eyes. Inhale for 4 counts - hold breath for 2 counts - exhale for 6 counts. Repeat 10 times. Take your time through this method. Don’t rush. Connect with the exercise by focusing on the cleansing journey of your breath through your nostrils, lungs and body.


Don’t just think about the goal – write down the goal in a workbook, journal (or notes app on your phone) and include the reason for the goal.

What is your why? (Ex. My goal is to exercise 4 times per week, so I can_______________and ____________).


As you become more comfortable with stillness, meditation, and breathing, add visualization to your routine. Visualization is simply creating a mental picture of your goals as a means of motivation. You are imagining the positive changes that will happen in your life as you work to achieve your goal. You are visualizing the steps you will take on this day to achieve these goals. You are visualizing success and achievement.


Not the week, month, year - just the day. Set your intentions. TIP: It is a best practice to set goals that are realistic for the time frame. Also, tasks/chores/errands are not goals. So don't add “pick up the dry cleaning” as a goal. These daily action steps should enhance your wellbeing, and can be repeated every day. For example, your goal can be to complete 20 minutes of cardio and drink 8 glasses of water, or prep your meal for the next couple days.

As you incorporate these habits into your day while mentally connecting to your biggest motivators, you will begin to appreciate the countless benefits of a healthful and active lifestyle. Begin by prioritizing your emotional well-being, and bask in appreciation of the connection between being mentally as well as physically strong.

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Updated: Jun 23, 2022

family gathering

We're squarely in the season of over-indulgence. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are notorious diet-busters. If you are generally a healthy eater, some anxiety may come around the holidays, since 99 percent of holiday feasts might not make it on your "healthy meal" list.

So the pattern for many becomes eating what you want during the holidays, feeling guilty, and then making health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, or stop drinking, or join the gym in the new year. I'm here to tell you that plan (except for the guilt) is perfectly fine. Food is not the enemy, and as I focus on health and wellness, my clients having anxiety around food is not ideal at all. The key is knowing how to navigate these holiday get-togethers in an easy and stress-free way.

So here are 6 ways to avoid holiday party anxiety and limit that weight gain.

  1. Toss Out the "All In" or "Not In" Thoughts - that's a sure way to increase your anxiety levels. The mindset of either your going to consume everything in sight, or just push some lettuce around your plate will get your stress levels up. Head into the feast knowing you will eat and enjoy your time with family and friends.

  2. Get Up and Move - it is so important to get and remain active through the holidays; and everything counts - walking the dog, running out to do shopping/errands, dancing. Whatever method you choose, make sure you are burning some calories. Your best option is to choose a structured exercise plan, stick to it, and have fun. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise, 4-5 days a week.

  3. Plan Your Menu - if you are hosting the festivities, you have some control over what is served (unless it's a potluck), and how it's prepared. Ensure that there are healthy yet tasty options for yourself and other guests who are on that healthy journey. Healthy may mean less fried, more baked, less sugar and salt, more natural herbs and seasonings, and fresh vegetable options.

  4. Feel Fi Sumtin' Sweet? (Have a Sweet Tooth?) - lay out some fresh fruits, or sugar free treats, but if you must - eat the pie! Just choose a dessert and eat that one dessert. There is no need to sample everything!

  5. Manage Alcohol Intake - Cheers, sip, and stop. I know it's easier said than done but that second and third drink aren't really that necessary. If you feel the need to raise a glass to toast the holidays, stop at that one drink. Another great idea is to prepare a delicious, non-alcoholic cocktail, or a fresh fruit smoothie so you wont feel like the odd one out when everyone else is walking around with a drink in their hand. Then there is always water (I know it's boring, but it's an option). Try some fruit-infused or lemon water if you need some flavor.

  6. Don't Skip Breakfast - I hear it every year: "I'm saving my appetite for the Christmas Dinner." This is a sure way to over-indulge since your body's hunger cues are in overdrive and you end up eating more than your body really needs.

'Tis the season to be jolly and, with these ideas, hopefully there will be weeks of creating jolly memories with loved ones. Instead of allowing food to be the main character in your holiday movie, allow laughter and storytelling to take center stage - the gathering is good for our body and our spirit.

Have a health, nutrition, or fitness question that you need answered? Schedule a free chat with me. No obligations.

...or email me at

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